ARUtils - What's it all about
ARUtils - TimeTracker
ARUtils-TimeTracker enables a user or manager to keep track of time spent in projects. Once enabled all time spent in Revit is logged to a central location.
ARUtils-TimeTracker-Analyse then allows collected data to be collated on a user by user, day by day, week by week, or a total time spent basis. The routine can be command line driven to allow the routine to be run as a scheduled task.
ARUtils - User
ARUtils-User focuses on routines that an average user would use day to day. Some of the commands available in ARUtils-User are:
Find families on disk
Find items in your project
Select items by parameter values
Easily create a section view along a wall
Create a section boxed 3D of selected items
Place elevations on sheets
Isolate elements by workset, copy monitor status, inplace families
Colour items based on parameter values
Displace 3D elements by level
Change text case of project items
Tag wall finishes in plans
Apply wall tape based on parameter values
Create text following curves or in 3D
Use site tools to align sites to floors, or floors to site
Batch renumber items. Doors, Windows, Rooms, etc.
Dimension along or across walls
Export schedules to file
Print to named PDFs
Export to named DWG files
Open sets of Worksets
Find keynotes
Delete revision clouds
Manage Shortcuts
Use User defined help
ARUtils - Workshared User
ARUtils-Workshared User has all the feature of ARUtils - User but adds Revision monitoring.
As a user changes an element it is time stamped and user stamped. Easily see who has changed what and when they changed it. Use filters to highlight items modified since the last document issue.
ARUtils - Leader
ARUtils-Leader has all the feature of ARUtils - Workshared User but adds many extra routines that the project Leader will need to ensure model integrity.
ARUtils-Leader adds:
Sheet viewport Manager. Align viewports, add legends, duplicate sheets
ARLegend - Create doors, window, and any other type of legend (schedule)
ARCurtainWall Legend - Create curtain wall legends
View filter manager. Manage view filters in your project
Parameter view creator. Isolate items in a view based on parameter values
Duplicate view details. Easily apply complex view modifications to another view
Assign Room Finishes. Create and assign parameters to rooms to allow for easy scheduling of finishes applied to a room
Concrete setout points. Tag setout point of concrete (or other) items. Easily schedule these points
Room / Area Masses. Present your project based on transparent volumes of your rooms or masses.
Import / Export. Round trip data with Excel for MAterials, Walls, Categories, Line/Fill patterns, Rooms, Anything
Formatted import/export. Present highly formatted schedules in Excel. Highlight changed items.
Room Views and Data Sheet. Document all your rooms. Create plans, RCP, elevations, 3Ds, schedules and sheets. All at the press of a button!
Scope Box Views. Create views related to your scope boxes
Ghost families. Schedule families without actually placing the families
Family reload. Easily reload families when they are changed on disk
Parameter manager. Add, Remove, and update parameters in your project and project families
Key Parameter Cloner
Imports Manager. Manage imports within your project. Easily find/delete that DWG
Revit File Versions. Update all your Revit projects. Check which version of Revit was used to create a project or family file.
Out of Hours - Script processes to work out of hours. Audit, compress, or backup a project when no one is in the office.
View cleanup - Delete views quickly and easily
Reference plane cleanup
Design option finder
Group Manager
Level Deleter / Mover - Easily move items from one level to another
Check and correct performance issues
Check and correct Health issues
and many more
ARUtils - Head of the Family
ARUtils-Head of the Family has all the features of ARUtils-Leader and adds family management.
With ARUtils-Head of the Family you can easily manage all your families and:
Generate consistent 3D / 2D preview icons
List family categories, sub categories, types, parameters, etc.
Update sub category settings and move items between subcategories
Delete, Rename and redefine Materials
Add parameters / shared parameters
Rename or replace parameters to ANZRS (or your) standards
Set parameter values. Useful for versioning or branding.
Update text styles and text style names
Rename nested families and types. Save nested families to disk.
Prefix files with the family category (user defined)
Isolate files that contain imported dwg files
Process the current file (useful for testing)
Check files for non-compliance with best practices
Control family parameter values on a one by one basis with Excel list
Update complex materials from a seed file
Create views based on a seed file
Check the health of multiple project files
No idea what ARUtils is all about? Check out this video to learn more